
Cheers to Spectacular 2021: A Year In Review

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey

With another year gone by and a new year just around the corner, it’s time to sit back, relax and reflect on the year that 2021 was for everyone. From dealing with COVID to adjusting to a new normal the year was a rollercoaster.

We cannot think of a better time to share OneClick’s achievements and celebrations in 2021.

1. #WorkFromHome Fun & Activities


The year already started with employees working from home, driving on OneClickians organized online events and games for everyone to keep the “Josh high!!”

2. New Office Inauguration

Starting from 10 people in a small office to now 100+ people we have come a pretty long way and it’s time to expand and grow. Our working place has expanded from 10 seats to 150 seat infrastructure. One of the best gifts of 2021 was OneClick’s new office which welcomed young minds and fresh faces.

3. #FunatOffice

Slowly & steadily OneClickians shifted from working from home to a beautiful office. We never forget to celebrate and have fun while working. To keep OneClickian’s boosted and engaged we started monthly games & activities.

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Someone said, “Life is more fun if you play games.”

4. OneClick 9th Anniversary Celebration

OneClick turned 09 on 1st October 2021, of course, we had to celebrate it with a boom!!

It was held at Kensville Golf Club, adherence to New Goals, Recognitions of annual awards, Processes and lots of sports & Dance! OneClick highly believes in work culture and empowering employees.

5. Awards, Recognitions & Individual Growth Plans

Rewards and recognitions

Every employee is a star, but to recognize individual efforts and their contributions, we started with awards and recognitions every month. Additionally, we care about personal & team growth.

  • Star employee of the month
  • Brainiac employee of the month
  • Individual growth plans & OKRs

6. Achievements of OneClick


From changing business needs and upgraded technical solutions, we made our way to get awards and recognitions in top award platforms.

7. Social Activities

“CSR isn’t a particular program, it’s what we do every day, maximizing positive impact and minimizing negative impact.”

Contributing back to the society that we are today is one of the core values that we never fail to do. Thanks to all the OneClickians & our CEO for keeping it alive even in low times.

8. Christmas Celebration

At last, winding up the year with Christmas celebrations, Santa gifts and wishes this year comes to an end. OneClick is grateful to its employees and clients who trust undoubtedly. As a token of gratitude, we sent secret presents to our clients for their constant trust in us.

HoHoHo! Santa brought us gifts and well wishes..

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To Conclude

2021 has been a year to remember with a lot of lessons!!! We are ready with our gears and gadgets to reach new heights & build new brands from ideas this coming year. We look forward to new challenges, adventures, and resolutions and welcome 2022 with a spark!

OneClick IT Consultancy wishes you a very Happy New Year!!

lets start your project

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