A few months ago Flutter declared a stable release and we are proud to announce Flutter 3.3 has bought some exciting and stable releases for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Flutter 3 is ready to be created on all desktop scenes. We’re invigorated and can barely sit still to share what’s new in Flutter, its support for macOS and Linux, notable performance upgrades for web and mobile, and the addition of Support from Apple Silicon.
Flutter improves frameworks, widgets, library packages, speed optimization, and others to make our development process powerful, smooth, and productive.
Flutter 3 came across to develop a single codebase for 6 platforms.
It helps developers by providing them with a free environment to put their new ideas and excellent user experiences with just one code base.
Flutter became a multi-step user interface tool for creating natively compiled applications in just a few years.
The best thing about Flutter is its open source and anyone can publish their ideas, create packages, compose different hardware, compile native code, and much more things.
Android, iOS, web, and windows have been stable for some time and now finally flutter came up with macOS and Linux stability.
So this one is the main achievement in the journey of Flutter up to now supporting all six platforms.
Flutter 3.3 now supports Material design 3 and an In-house concept by Google for the following Material.
Flutter migrated with FloatingActionButton, ThemeData, NavigationBar, Dialog, Splash effect, Navigation Rail, Card widget, and much more.
Material 3 supports and includes elements like:
Flutter has declared complete compatibility with Firebase, so flutter is now turning into a fully supported key path in order to reflect reality and consistent growth for firebase plugins.
About 63% of flutter developers preferred to use Firebase in their applications, so google is now working on creating widgets to make applications smoother to use firebase in their application.
Also, Firebase has improved Crashlytics to make the app crash free and now users can track their errors and fix the bugs by using Firebase Crashlytics plugins.
Well, this is one of the highlights from Flutter 3 to Flutter 3.3 with six different platforms: stability, improvements, performance, and migrations. And some new exciting features like the game toolkit and looking forward to knowing more about the in-house concepts in material 3 by google, We hope you like this article.
Flutter is an open-source framework created by google and flutter is released in May 2017. By using this technology you can create cross-platform apps – mobile apps for both android and ios.
Flutter app development is faster as compared to native app development. It is good for less complex apps and also cost-effective as only a single person is enough to build cross platforms by writing one codebase.
Flutter is a constantly growing platform, there are lots of articles and tutorials to build a perfect featured application, so flutter is relatively easy to learn for developers.
Flutter 3 supports macOS for Universal Binaries so the flutter app can work natively on Intel and Apple Silicon chips. Google comes with Linux delivery to convey a profoundly incorporated cream-of-the-cream choice for application development by teaming up with ubuntu Canonical.
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