Node js is a javascript server-side framework. It is an open source environment which provides cross-platform accessibility (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.). As it is open sourced, it has a huge community and is well maintained by contributers from all over the world. It is built on Google Chrome’s javascript v8 engine which helps applications to run easily with Node.js runtime environment. Various javascript libraries are incorporated in Node.js. With the help of Node js we can easily build web servers as most of the core functionalities are handled by javascript itself. Many compile-to-JS languages are available in which Node.js can be written, for eg. Typescript, Dart etc. With the help of Node js, the whole application can be written in one language that is javascript as it allows you to write both frontend as well as backend.
Node js was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Initially Node.js was only supported in LINUX and MAC OS. Further Node js was connected with Javascript’s v8 engine. A year later, npm – known as Node.js package manager was introduced in the Node js environment.
Let us now find out why Node.js is used so widely.
Here are some of the noteworthy details and features of Node.js.
Node js is designed in such a way that the server never waits for API to return data. Instead it moves forward towards execution of other functions. Later whenever the execution gets completed, the notification mechanism notifies the server, hence making it work asynchronously. This makes Node js non-blocking and fast.
const fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("/", (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
moreWork(); // will run before console.log
Node js is based on a single threaded model with event looping. Due to its asynchronous property and non-blocking way of handling various events by event mechanism, it makes it highly scalable as the server can respond to a higher number of requests though it being single-threaded, unlike traditional servers.
Because of above mentioned features of Node js like asynchronous nature and Google Chrome’s Javascript v8 engine which has very fast execution, its efficiency increases and hence data intensive apps are often developed using Node js.
Various kinds of libraries available in Node js as javascript modules are quite helpful while development of small-scale to large-scale applications and make the overall process quite simplified.
It follows the process of dividing data into chunks and passing on as output.
Let’s have a look upon some concepts of Node js to get started with.
Brief idea about some concepts of Node js are as follows:
1. Modules – It is a collection (set) of functions grouped together which can be imported and used in applications.
2. Event Emitter – Event can also be described as action, so when any action takes place server notifies that the event has taken place.
3. Buffer – Node js can store raw data with raw memory allocation which is outside the v8 heap.
4. Streams – There are 4 types of streams available in Node js namely “Readable, Writable, Duplex and Transform which lets you read and write data.
5. File System – Your file system of the computer can be used directly with Node js to read or write files. You need to import file system module as below:
var fs = require(“fs”)
6. Callback – As the name suggests, this function is only called whenever any task is completed hence making Node js non-blocking and allowing other functions to run in the meantime.
7. Promises – These are meant to return the value of the functions later on when all the operations are executed.
8. Error Handling – It refers to the way in which any kind of errors are caught, handled and processed.
Here are some points to convince you to use Node js for your next application development.
Node js though being single-threaded handles non-blocking I/O operations and concurrency with an ease due to event driven approach or event-loop mechanism.
First let us understand how this event loop actually works:
Since, Node js is so widely used, it has some pros which goes as follows:
Some of the cons that comes with pros are listed out below:
There are multiple applications in which you can make use of Node.js:
Below is the list of companies that uses Node.js and it will all make sense as why it is so famous:
Node.js is not really advised to be used on applications with heavy computation. Due to its single-threaded nature all the requests would be blocked hence failing its strongest suit that is event driven non-blocking I/O model.
Official site:
It has 2 functionalities as below:
To check npm version, you can open your terminal and enter command
npm –version
Technologies come with different kinds of framework supporting use-cases according to the development required.
Here are some of the famous Node.js frameworks:
Let’s move on towards some action and setup Node.js in your system
node –version
And that’s literally it to get started with basic Node.js applications.
const http = require('http');
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.end('Hello World\n');
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
Overall Node.js can be summarized as an efficient modern day solution which has properties like fast execution, multiple applications and is easy to learn which makes it a popular and reliable environment. Moreover, a vast community along with a number of super amazing frameworks with smooth development processes has attracted many developers and now is foremost amongst the race of server side development languages.
Apart from that, if you still ponder over why Node.js is a good fit for you from a business perspective, let me tell you in simple words that Node.js provides 3 amazing features that are -> quick delivery, fast pivoting and easily scalable which will work wonders for your next application.
So when are you trying your hands on Node.js?
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