DevOps Consulting Services


Build your DevOps approach: improve the productivity of your teams and the quality of your code.

Developing a DevOps managed services culture increases the agility of your solution and creates significant margins for innovation. By measuring with relevant metrics at the infrastructure and application level, we provide additional support to this DevOps monitoring solutions process.



What cannot be measured cannot be improved. That is why it is very important for us to define suitable measuring points with our customer.

We know that for the successful implementation of DevOps solutions and services, good communication is necessary. That is why we strive to contribute to a mutual understanding of the different requirements and working methods in development and operation. It is only from this common understanding that project-appropriate tool chains can emerge and that processes that meet the requirements of both parties can be established.

Our DevOps consulting solutions approach is based on our development, architecture and consulting services on modern and mastered technologies for your business applications. We support you in the DevOps implementation process within your company, in order to accelerate the time to market of your projects.



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About DevOps Consulting Services

New tools often call for new processes, a new working methodology. Well versed in the functioning of modern collaborative organizations, OneClick is a leading DevOps development company. Our team offers you the benefit of its expertise in leading the change implied by new technical and organizational challenges when embarking on a DevOps implementation and consulting process.

We understand the scope of your DevOps managed services project, and identify with you the technical challenges. By taking advantage of the strengths of the various Cloud providers, our experts produce a prototype within a controlled timeframe and cost. Finally, together we create a realistic backlog to transform this experience into a production solution.

OneClick DevOps experts bridge the gap between development and operation in your business. Our goal is to develop, in close collaboration with your teams, DevOps consulting solutions as perfectly adapted as possible until the delivery of the application and its integration into a deployment pipeline.

The supervision of your infrastructure has become the most precious aid to enable you to anticipate new needs, to detect malfunctions and to prevent them. One of the major issues of DevOps implementation process is understanding the constant and ad hoc needs of your tools. OneClick, as a DevOps service provider, ensures the deployment and configuration of these tools and offers to support you in the correct interpretation of the data collected.